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The review of Senova at the CPhI exhibition in Shanghai in 2020

The review of Senova at the CPhI exhibition in Shanghai in 2020

Release Time: 2020-12-29

News Source: SenovaTech

Author: Operation Dept.

We firstly want to send the greatest congratulations for the successful and promising outcomes from CPhl exhibition 2020. We want to say thank you to everyone here, for your effort and confidence you’ve shown on us, given 2020 is already a tough year for everyone.

The review of Senova at the CPhI exhibition in Shanghai in 2020(图1)

Wonderful review

The review of Senova at the CPhI exhibition in Shanghai in 2020(图2)

The review of Senova at the CPhI exhibition in Shanghai in 2020(图3)

The review of Senova at the CPhI exhibition in Shanghai in 2020(图4)

The review of Senova at the CPhI exhibition in Shanghai in 2020(图5)

That’s quite a pity how fast time flies. But fortunately, I deeply believe that we will meet very soon


Senova is grateful to the trust and support that our customers have always had for us, We will keep improving ourselves to develop deeper and better cooperation with our precious customers and together I believe we can have a brighter and more promising future.
