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US Biosecure Act to restrict business with Chinese firms passes House

US Biosecure Act to restrict business with Chinese firms passes House

Release Time: 2024-09-18

News Source: PharmaCompass

Author: SENOVA—Lucas


The US House of Representatives has passed the Biosecure Act, a bill aimed at restricting business with several Chinese biotech companies, including WuXi AppTec, WuXi Biologics, BGl Group, MGl, and Complete Genomics, citing national security concerns. The bill passed with a significant majority of 306 to 81 votes, demonstrating strong bipartisan support. This legislation would prohibit federal contracts with targeted firms and those doing business with them, with the stated goal of protecting Americans’ persona health, aenetic information, and US pharmaceutical supply chains, The bil's passaae in the House is a crucial step, but it still needs to clear the Senate and receive President Biden's signature to become law.